Deskripsi Lowongan :

Selamat Datang di Situs Lowongan Kerja Indonesia Terbaru 2025 dan Saat ini kami ingin memberitahukan Info Terbaru Mengenai Informasi Loker dari Perusahaan PT. Classic Prima Carpet Industries dengan posisi JUNIOR EXPORT MARKETING MANAGER. Untuk selengkapnya silahkan baca deskripsi lowongan kerja di bawah ini dengan seksama dan teliti, beserta persyaratan minimal lowongan kerja di yang telah tertera dan dijelaskan di bawah ini.

PT. Classic Prima Carpet Industries melalui program rekrutmennya saat ini sedang membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi JUNIOR EXPORT MARKETING MANAGER di Jawa Timur yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja operasional di dalam maupun luar kantor PT. Classic Prima Carpet Industries. Perusahaan Tersebut sedang mencari calon tenaga kerja yang siap diterjunkan ke setiap divisi bagian perusahaan yang sesuai dengan posisi, kemampuan dan keahlian para pencari kerja tersebut. Berikut ini adalah detail lengkap persyaratan untuk posisi JUNIOR EXPORT MARKETING MANAGER di Jawa Timur Perusahaan PT. Classic Prima Carpet Industries:

The Opportunity

As a leader in carrying out international business transactions and requiring overseas business trip meeting with existing and prospective customers on regular basis.  This role realizes the company’s strategy and goals by ensuring that the process of marketing products and providing high quality services while creating opportunities on an international scale.  We are looking for junior level generalists who are able to contribute the growth of business volumes and revenues particularly in export sector.

This role requires you to be flexible with your schedule and direction with opportunities to grow   as Head of Business Acquisition and Business Expansion.

What you will do as a Junior Export Marketing Manager

  • Create Customer Prospect Data and update to management the progress of prospecting on regular basis.
  • Create an Offering Plan to prospective clients.
  • Achieve Export Sales Targets set by management.
  • Receive and handle customer complaints properly and promptly.
  • Become a liaison and help resolve problems faced by customers.
  • Creating a Marketing Strategy with the Marketing Manager.
  • Do research trends in the market and update to management on regular basis.
  • Increase new customer base to achieve the addition of new clients appropriately and effectively.
  • Willing to travel visiting overseas customers based in export countries.
  • Coordinate with all departments regarding production progress, delivery schedule, and if necessary, payment follow-up for certain customers.
  • Fulfill customer requests regarding product information and product registration documents
  • Study market trends in the target country for market penetration.
  • Process Purchase Orders (PO) and monitor project progress until completion.

We LOVE working with these qualities:

  • Graduate from a reputable University.
  • Minimumbachelor’s degree in Marketing / International Business
  • Male or females (Males preferred)
  • At least 5 years of experience, preferably experience in the business field for exportdestination
  • Haveexperience in the export-oriented carpet/textile/manufacturing industry
  • Willing to work hard and learn new things
  • Have the capability to communicate and interact well with current clients and prospective client.
  • Good personality and have interpersonal skill, capable of getting along with people inter – departments within the company.
  • Capable to handle a small team
  • Perfect and precise speech and writing communication skills in English



Informasi Tambahan :

  • Gaji / Penghasilan > Rp 10.000.000
  • Level Karir Manager
  • Pengalaman Kerja 3 - 4 tahun
  • Lokasi Penempatan Sesuai Lokasi Kantor
Pendidikan: S1 (Sarjana) |

Hanya Jobseeker yang dapat mengirimkan lamaran.
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